After spending 8 years in the high pressure corporate sales world, I decided it was time for me to go after the one thing that I’ve always wanted to do. Since I was a young boy I wanted to be an actor. A comedian. An entertainer. I’ve never felt better than when I was making people laugh. After my commercial real estate career hit a snag, I had the opportunity to take a less fulfilling job but that would afford me the time to take acting and improv classes. Through a series of fortunate events, by the grace of God and 6 years of professional acting classes later, I started getting into comedy. Being 90% Irish(real stat according to I’ve always had a knack for the funny, and now I’ve made the move to Las Vegas and I’ all in! Please subscribe to my newsletter, subscribe to my channel, and laugh your ace off along this journey with me. P.S. I’ll be documenting the process along the way in my personal Jimmy Meets World channel, so if you’re interested in the process or just want a good laugh go take a gander.


Love Sometimes.

